Prototyping is the conversation you have with your Idea.
The prototypes we made
Message Mate
browses to the domain taken out from the sender’s email address and scrapes contents of the web page found at the domain and disambiguates them using one of the AIs (of the organization he works) and replies to the user with the concepts which can tell the user about the original sender.
How this works: When a user email to neo with the Subject “Risk Disclosure” with an attached document, neo takes the attached document and feeds it to the AI application (of the organization he works) which analyzes the input document and calculates the risk factors, and then neo replies to the user with the risk factor information in HTML format, once it gets the risk factors.
Indexer (Front-end)
Text Analyzer (Front-end)
Morgan (Front-end)
A user uploads a pdf file as the input and choose an extraction Type out of the 3 types (Days of non payment – equipment lease dataset, Notice entity – equipment lease dataset,Enforcement action summary – SEC dataset) and will send to one of the Urvin’s AIs which extracts contents and returns with the Results based on the extraction type the user selected.
Other Analyzers (Front-end)
With using the Urvin’s analyzer AIs we’ve made a lot of other analyzer prototypes.Dex,Matcher,NDA Analyzers,MovieSearch, Ngrams.